Design News
jscsscomp: JavaScript and CSS files compressor
jscsscomp is the latest compressor that uses Nicolas Martin PHP version of the Dean Edwards JavaScript Compressor.
Banking Goes Mobile
Time, has an interesting article about a pretty big step towards making mobile payment mainstream. Redesign—from flash to html
MTV relaunches this week, swapping the previous all-Flash design with fast and clean HTML
Menu Builder
Four new horizontal centered menus and a Menu Builder for the simplified flyout menu.
Pricing for profit
Basic principles of pricing freelance projects that will win the contract and make you and your client happy.
How to prevent HTML tables from becoming too wide
The layout model of tables differ from that of block level elements in that they will normally expand beyond their specified width to make their contents fit.
Optimize Your CSS with Multi-Class Elements
This article will teach you the technique of using space separated classes thereby allowing you to be a better CSS artist.
Create layouts with floating boxes
Craig Grannell reveals how to generate a floating-boxes layout that’s ideal for an online portfolio.